pregnancy & baby festival

O'Reilly Hall, UCD, Dublin
22-23 February 2014, 10am - 5pm


Nurture – It really is okay to talk about it!

One of our goals at babytalk is to raise awareness of the fantastic supports and organisations that we have here in Ireland for families and parents-to-be. One of these orgnaisations is Nurture, who took part in our information station.

Nurture is an Irish charity who offer timely and affordable professional counselling and supports surrounding pregnancy and childbirth mental health illnesses & emotional wellbeing to women, their partners and families in Ireland.

Some of the areas in which Nurture offers support and/or counselling include:

  • Infertility
  • IVF Disappointment
  • Depression during Pregnancy
  • Baby Blues
  • Postnatal Depression
  • Pregnancy Loss
  • Newborn Loss
  • Premature Births
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Postpartum Psychosis
  • Men and Postnatal Depression

If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time in pregnancy, as a new parent or in any of the other other instances listed above Nurture are there to help. You can contact Nurture on 01 8430930 or email

Nurtures counsellors offer compassion and respect to every woman, man and family who contacts them and attends their support services. Their counsellors are kind, friendly and extremely understanding women and men. They are more than respectful to every personal situation and offer each individual a confidential, judgement-free, independent counselling service.

Nurture are organising an Emotional Wellbeing Education Conference on Saturday 10th May 2014 in the Gresham Hotel which has some fantastic speakers and topics – for more information visit their website.

Car Seat checking at babytalk festival


We’re delighted to announce that the Road Safety Authority’s “Check it Fits” service will be present at babytalk festival!

The “Check It Fits” service will be stationed in one of our lovely large car parks, where you can get your car seat checked to ensure it is fitted correctly. The service is fast, convenient and free of charge to all festival attendees.

3 out of 4 child car seats are incorrectly fitted in cars in Ireland, so why not get your car seat checked for peace of mind when at the festival.

There will be trained experts on hand who are familiar with almost every child car seat on the market and who can check your car seat and answer any questions you may have.

Check it fits will be on site from 10am – 5pm on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd. For more information visit the “check it fits” page.

On the front page!

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Babytalk in the Irish Times Health and Family Supplement

I nearly fell over my feet this morning as I rushed down to my local newsagents to pick up a copy of Today’s Irish Times. There on the front cover was an advert for our article! It’s a very difficult thing to do – walk and read a newspaper (I nearly walked into a bin trying) so I rushed home with Juliet to read the double page spread.

It’s a fab article by Sheila Wayman about navigating your way as a new parent amid lots of conflicting advice and misinformation. It features insightful quotes from our many excellent speakers and gives some background into the story behind Babytalk and what will be happening at the festival over the weekend of the 22nd & 23rd of February.

The photo shoot took place at our gorgeous venue – O’Reilly Hall, UCD, you can see the lake and fountains in the background of the cover shot. Marie and Juliet look great – I really wish I had taken the time to brush my hair before the shoot, but in true Mammy style it’s a little less than perfect – Juliet had been playing with it just before the shots!

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Marie, Rachel and Juliet in the light filled cafe area of O’Reilly Hall, UCD

Quick, run down to your local shop and get a copy for yourself or read the article online to find out all about the festival!